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US hopes to lead climate debate

"The US is moving toward leading the climate change debate, rather than lagging behind, according to President Obama's chief scientific advisor." Shows an interview with John Holdren, who sets out the difference between what is...

Category: Climate Change


G8 climate pact lights up divisions

How what was achieved, or not achieved at the G8 climate summit paves the way for what will come from this autumn's UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen, where world leaders will meet to thrash out an agreement to cut CO2.

Category: Climate Change


Nasa satellites reveal extent of Arctic sea ice loss

"The Earth is going thin on top. A new study has revealed that the Arctic Ocean's permanent blanket of ice around the North Pole has thinned by more than 40% since 2004."

Category: Climate Change


Turning low-carbon vision into reality

"Targets to reduce UK carbon emissions have been agreed - now is the time to debate how they will work in practice and what policies will be required to make them reality."


Planck achieves ultra-cold state

"Europe's Planck observatory has reached its operating temperature, making it the coldest object in space."

Category: Space

Displaying results 1116 to 1120 out of 2977